Visitors & Convention Council
Welcome to Paris, a city graced by dozens of beautiful old homes and unique public architecture, creating a charming backdrop for a thriving economy and a contemporary lifestyle.
A wide variety of cultural events and numerous historic, scenic, and recreational sites continue to entertain and delight the residents of Paris, as well as you, the visitor.
The Paris Visitor and Convention Council of the Lamar County Chamber of Commerce extends to you a hearty Texas greeting. We hope that your stay is pleasantly memorable and that you will return soon and often.
We are glad you’re here and hope you enjoy your visit, where you can truly experience Paris without ever leaving Texas.
Paris Visitors and Convention Council
Tourism Event Funding Application
Conventions, sports events, meetings and other events that will generate 15 + room nights in the City of Paris may request funding from the Paris Visitors & Convention Council. It is the primary intent of this process to promote overnight occupancy in Paris motels. We also expect events to demonstrate examples of direct revenue to the community such as using local printers, caterers, retail businesses, equipment rental, etc. To be considered there will be no restrictions by age, sex, race, color or national origin.
For funding consideration, all requests must be made using the attached form at least 90 days prior to the date of the event and two weeks prior to the meeting date of the VCC Board. If not submitted within this time frame the request may not be considered.
Events must have the ability to grow in participants and/or spectators to continue to receive funding on an annual basis. If the event requesting funding is a new event the applicant is responsible for demonstrating the need for financial assistance and that without assistance the event could not be held in this area. If the event is not a start-up please provide previous years itemized expenses, funds raised by contributions and other sources, and projected use of any net profits.
A scoring process will be used to determine whether funding is granted, and the amount of funding awarded. Funding will not exceed $2,500 in a calendar year per organization. Funding exceeding $500 will be distributed equally in two stages. The 1st installment upon application approval or 30 days before actual event, and the 2nd installment paid within 30 days of receipt of the Final Evaluation provided by the event organizers and based on final evaluation report with documented total room nights for this event.

A requirement of receiving funding is that in all publicity the Paris Visitors and Convention Council be listed as a supporter.
Scoring is based on the following
- Projected hotel-motel occupancy for new event, and history of heads in beds for recurring events requesting funding.
- Estimated attendance outside of the 754 zip code area.
- Is the event new or returning? Time of year of the event and Days of the week
- Other areas of income such as self-sustaining by participant fees, sponsorships and other event generated revenue.
- Publicizing and planning effectiveness: Marketing Tools listed
- Other fundraisers, and location of event.
- Non-Profit or For-Profit event
- Love Civic Center booked for event.
To apply for event funding, please download the below form and return to the Lamar County Chamber of Commerce