Download Our App
We are excited to announce that we now have a new Mobile App for Lamar County Chamber of Commerce Members and the community! This new Mobile App will allow anyone to register for Chamber events, and Non-Chamber events in the community. Board Members will have access to RSVP for Board meetings as well.
The App also has a new Searchable Directory which will allow anyone to find and locate a Chamber Member’s business, including all their information and business logo. Every member will have the opportunity in displaying their information and logos within the App! A member will also be able to have their own personal description included.
If you are a Chamber Member and would like to add a logo, personal description, or website information for the public to be able to see on the App, please send the information via email to or login to your account here.
To download the Chambers new App simply go to the Apple IOS Store or Google Play Store depending on what cellular device you have and simply search for “Lamar County Chamber”. From there the Chambers App will pull up instantly.
We greatly appreciate all our valued Members and are happy to provide this new tool to expose Members businesses to the community at large!